Dave highlights common overlap with alt-right individual

At the end of POTP #495 @1:22:40, Dave asks Nick a series of questions to ascertain how much much the two of them, representing their political ideologies, are "fellow travelers".

Episode is behind a paywall, but a youtube clip can be viewed here.


  • Dave:  “So I want to ask you, let’s run this down, and let me find out how much uh uh me and you are fellow travelers. So just tell me how you feel. I’m gonna throw an issue at you and tell me if you agree with me or not. All right. Uh, end the wars.”
  • Nick: “Agree.”
  • Dave: “End the fed.”
  • Nick: “Agree.”
  • Dave: “End the welfare state.”
  • Nick: “Agree.”
  • Dave: “You know, that’s pretty goddamn good.”

This is another instance of a common theme where Dave deceptively highlights commonality with alt-right individuals. It can be noted that libertarians share some important things in common Bolshevik ideology. For example:

  • Opposition to state law codifying discrimination based on gender, race, religion, etc
  • Opposition to colonialism and imperialism
  • Opposition to corporatism

Additionally, it can be noted that libertarians share some important things in common with National Socialists. For example:

  • Opposition to abolition of private property
  • Opposition to military aid to Israel
  • Opposition to state funding abortion

Despite these similarities, it does not follow that libertarians and either nazis or authoritarian communists are "fellow travelers". It's completely disingenous to focus on narrow similarities without discussing either the differences in positions or the differences in grounds that lead each group to a similar positions.

For those not familiar with Nick Fuentes, I'd recommend his wikipedia page for a decent summary, Right Wing Watch's notes on Fuentes, and this twitter thread deep dive that takes clips directly from Fuentes:\


Dave Smith

Dave Smith is a stand-up comedian and self-identified libertarian. He hosts a podcast, Part of the Problem, where he occasionally hosts controversial guests and expresses comfort having uncomfortable and non-politically correct conversations to find the truth on an issue.

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