Open borders is no more libertarian than open borders

Context: Dave is discussing immigration with Jen Monroe in POTP # 578. Jen has stated her position is for open borders and that open borders is the libertarian position.

Dave responds:

As long as the government is controlling the borders, immigration is - more or less-  a government program whether it’s open borders or closed borders or what we have now… To me it is no more libertarian or less libertarian to want open borders or closed borders

-Dave POTP #578 @12:18

This is the type of false equivalence Dave commonly utilizes. All violence or regulations are the same regardless of the severity, target, or reason. It is obvious that the "violence" performed in open borders is in no way comparable to the actual violence done in preventing the freedom of movement across state borders. I image if Dave made drew this equivalence for almost any other issue, he would be immediately laughed off stage. For example, "as long as the government is controlling regulation of food production, I see no difference between the mostly free market food production we have now and the command-style food production of the Soviet Union. It's a government program either way and one is no more libertarian than the other".


Dave Smith

Dave Smith is a stand-up comedian and self-identified libertarian. He hosts a podcast, Part of the Problem, where he occasionally hosts controversial guests and expresses comfort having uncomfortable and non-politically correct conversations to find the truth on an issue.

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